aIMG_9012These days lots of homeowners have their own garage door connected to their house. Most garage doors operate automatically and with one click of a button can help a person’s family avoid the rain, cold, and other bad weather that might occur.

However in some instances of bad weather a power outage could occur. If this ever happens it is very important and valuable for homeowners to know that it’s still possible to operate their garage door during an outage.

A garage door can be operated manually. Knowing this will definitely benefit the homeowner for future situations. So here are some things you can do to open your garage door manually.


What You Should Do When Power Goes Out


Whenever the power is out, most garage doors have a release trigger use to manually control the door. Usually this release trigger is a red rope that can be pulled to release the trolley from the tracks enabling you to operate the door manually.

Make sure when you do this the door is close otherwise it could come crashing down when releasing the trigger. If your door doesn’t have the red cord. You should take a look at the manual for further instructions to find out how to disengage the doors automatic features.

If for any reason you need to put your garage door in manual mode for a while. Then you need to make sure you know all the safety features use for your door. Most doors also have a manual lock system that prevents unwanted people from easily opening the garage door from the outside until a person inside manually unlocks it.

As soon as the power has been restored to your house. You can re-engage the automatic features for your garage door. To do this simple lock it back into place by pulling down on the red cord towards the opening of the garage door. Then pull up on the door until you hear a snap. You should now see it lock into place.

You can also use your garage door opener to force the spring back into position by hitting the button on your opener. This will reattach your door to the trolley. If you find any damage parts on the garage door do not attempt to release the trigger to use your door manually.

This could cause more damage and problems for your door. Instead call your local garage door repair company and hire a professional technician to repair it.